> TravelingGabriel: Rail Workers Hustle

Friday, July 19, 2013

Rail Workers Hustle

One of the most impressive things since we have gotten here is the willingness of people to help out. Here is an example of how three JR rail workers hustle, so Kevin and I can make the train. After we got threw customs and immigration we needed to pick up our rail passes. It was about 11pm and we didn't know where to go until we saw a small line of people. We got to the counter and said we needed to pick up our rail passes. They handed us some forms that we needed to fill out and asked where we were going. As soon as I said Ikebukuro the guy looked at his watch and asked that we hurry since we only had 4 minutes to get on the train. As we filled out the form he started printing out tickets and filling in some forms hurrying. The lady that was working next to him left her person to help out and helped me fill in the form and help him print out the tickets as well. They really hustled and we got the passes quick. As we hurried to the train platform, another rail worker opened the gates and noticed that Kevin's pass it was not stamped. He then RAN to stamp it, and thanked us so the pass would be valid for our trip and we were able to get on the LAST train of the night with 30 seconds to spare. We both were so impressed on how much they cared about us to make sure we got on that train.

Next Post: Water Gun Fight


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