> TravelingGabriel: Surviving a 12 hour flight

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Surviving a 12 hour flight

One of the biggest concerns about going to japan is the long eleven to twelve hour flight from Los Angeles. Ever since finding out the length of the flight, I started asking people how they do and would handle the flight.
A lot of people talked about getting medication to sleep threw it, but I'm the the medication type so pass. Many other people talked about just watching movies, reading books, playing video games. I went with the movie route and try to sleep as much as I can on the flight without any medications.
After doing some more research some really important thing to do is having comfortable clothing as well as loose or no socks and be sure to walk around on the plane a few times during your flight. The loose socks and walking around will keep your legs from getting blood clots, and keeping you a bit active. The loose clothes will just make you feel comfortable.
This is a good way of surviving a 12 hour flight... wear comfortable clothes, keep yourself entertained when you are not sleeping (watching movies, reading books, playing video games), and last is walking around a bit.

Next Post: Our Airbnb Apartment.


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